us soccer ball

November 1, 2012

Warm up: 3 Rounds 20 sec Jump rope 20 sec Plank hold 20 sec Squats Skill work: Goal kicks! WOD: 8 min AMRAP of 250m Run! Collect as many beads (250m) as possible in 8 minutes. Game!

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October 25, 2012

Warm up: 3 Rounds 2 Forward rolls -> 15m line hop -> 15m Bear crawl -> 5 Box jump overs Skill work: Throw and catch lacrosse balls Partner WOD: 3-5 Rounds 8 Med ball chest passes 5 Sit ups (each) 8 Med ball overhead passes 5 Sit ups (each) 8 Med ball underhand passes 5 [...]

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October 14, 2012

Warm up: 3 Rounds Handstand roll out to Bear crawl -> 15m Lunge walk -> 5 Tuck jumps -> 15m Backwards lunge walk Skill work: Monkey Hang WOD: AMRAP in a given amount of time of 7 Deadlifts 7 Broad jumps 7 Wall ball to target Wall ball will be done using a dodgeball (not [...]

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